Tempus Spatium

Qualia in Temporal Naturalism (Part 2: Some Philosophical Puzzles)

Introduction In Qualia in Temporal Naturalism (Part 1: Towards Cosmoprotopsychism), I described a heuristic cosmoprotopsychic model where phenomenal consciousness internal to biological structures can potentially be explained via self-organization of protophenomenal consciousness intrinsic to the cosmic scale. The particular details of such a m...

Qualia in Temporal Naturalism (Part 1: Towards Cosmoprotopsychism)

Introduction In the article Temporal naturalism by Lee Smolin (2013) and his related joint work with Roberto Mangabeira Unger (The Singular Universe and the Reality of Time, 2014), Smolin conjectures that the physical correlates of qualia are the so-called unprecedented events, whereas their experiential aspects at least partially involve intri...

A Functional Treatment of the Direct Product of Groups

Definition of direct products Let \(A\) be an arbitrary well-ordered set and \(\{ G_{\alpha} \vert \alpha \in A \}\) a set of groups under the operations \(\{ *_{\alpha} \vert \alpha \in A \}\) respectively, [\forall : \alpha \in A : *{\alpha} \in \left( G{\alpha} \right)^{G_{\alpha} \times G_{\alpha}}] One way to define the direct product of...

The Question of 'Transitory Worlds' in Plato's Metaphysics: Part 1

Motivation In the Meno, Plato argues for concept innatism, based on the observation that concept empiricism at face value does not seem to explain how we seemingly acquire knowledge of universals even while being exposed only to particulars through our senses. For example, we can only observe swarms of acts exemplifying virtue, but to know that...

A Closer Look at Quantum Measurements: Part 2.1 (Classical Stern-Gerlach Experiments)

Why this post In A Closer Look at Quantum Measurements (Slides), we looked at an abstract toy model for a quantum system whose associated quantum and classical probabilities (in the sense of ensemble theory) in experiments were interchangeable in a sense. This allowed one to equate, for a pure state, its seemingly impure post-objective-collapse...

Analysis of the Three-body Problem (Report)

A little late to the party here, but Happy New Year friends! It’s been a while since the last post on here, so it’s time for shenanigans again! :D While the world has been turning a radian or two, I’ve been kept busy by life and, thankfully, the innumerable opportunities it has offered to travel, meet new people, explore music, art, hobbies, ne...

A Closer Look at Quantum Measurements (Slides)

“What is particularly curious about quantum theory is that there can be actual physical effects arising from what philosophers refer to as counterfactuals - that is, things that might have happened, although they did not in fact happen.” — Roger Penrose The measurement problem Quantum measurement has remained a disputed aspect of quantum m...

The Real Reason Nothing Travels Faster Than Light: Part 2 (Dynamical Interpretation)

In The Real Reason Nothing Travels Faster Than Light, we analytically proved that faster-than-light motion is logically impossible within the framework of special relativity. In doing so, we disproved the very kinematics of the situation \(v>c\). This, as we discussed, is logically stronger than disproving the dynamics of the situation, i.e. ...

Reconstructing Relativistic Kinetic Energy

In classical mechanics, kinetic energy encodes the tendency of a system being tracked to move through space. Since relativity is based on the geometric setting of spacetime, one would expect that a relativistic analogue of kinetic energy talks about how a system moves through space and time. In this post, we will explore these notions of system...

Bundles in Classical Gauge Field Theory (Slides, In Progress)

Field theory is fundamental to our modern understanding of the Cosmos. From classical fields to quantum fields, we see a startling complexity of incredibly wide-ranging physical phenomena emerge from relatively simpler structures and axioms. Often, the essence of these complicated mechanisms is captured by geometry, which among other (and somew...